Book in advance As soon as you decide on your vacation plans, book your car rental. Wait until the last minute and you could get stuck paying much higher rates, and you may have a tougher time finding the vehicle that you want. When you book in advance you will …
Want To Become an Uber Driver in Singapore? Here’s What You Need!
Minimum Requirements First and foremost, you need to be a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident, at least 25 years old who holding a valid Class 3/ 3A license for 1 continuous year. All Uber drivers need to register a limo car company with ACRA. This is easily done online and …
Be SMART on rental car
Not familiar with the local area? A GPS navigation system might be important. Are you traveling with small children? If so, you may need a child seats to keep them secure. Want to split the driving? These add-ons may add extra charges to your rental. In some cases, these charges …